Sunday, March 05, 2006


Tell me why I am so tired, cuz I don't know. You see, I got this job right. Nice job. Pays well, benefits, commission for selling, plus making over 30 thousand a year hourly. I work 10 hour shifts 4 days of the week, so I can have 3 off. I work sun-wed. 11am to 10pm. So, yes Thurs, Fri, and Sat off. Sounds nice right?????

!!!!!!!!!!!! WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!

The job drives me insane. I sell car insurance, so I deal with people who think they know more than I do about car insurance. I went thru a 2 week training and a 52 hour class to know what I know. Boring stuff. On top of that, at my job, to actually sell insurance, you need a license in Florida for selling personal liens insurance. Gotta do the class (52 hour one), sutdy ur ass off. Then take a state exam and pass 80% or better. Dude, I just left college. No more tests...

Let's make things worse why don't we. I have to wait on this stupid company to get their shyt together and sign me up for the test, instead of being allowed to do it myself. So now I gotta keep studying this stuff til I take the test. Problem is, I don't need to know all of it for my job. I only need to know auto, but I am learning Home owners and DP's. DON'T ASK...

SO, to end all the bitching, I pretty much just sit on my ass answering phones. If they did a quote already, I fill in the blanks or if not, I start a new one. Once I've got the customer wrapped around my pretty lil' finger, I have to freakin transfer them to someone else. I get mad, cuz they always lose a sale I know I would've had. oh well. so more blogs for people to read, cuz I don't have anything else to do here. Guess I shouldn't bitch too much. Bills are definently getting paid.


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