Sunday, March 26, 2006


To me love and relationships are like feet and shoes! Some look great but kill you, some aren’t trendy but when you put on its like walking on clouds! Your feet are unique but there ARE shoes that fit them perfectly! It might come from a mass-manufacturing industry or an old craftsman in an old village somewhere! And its most unlikely that you’ll find it with the first try, it might happen but if it does you’ll not really appreciate its true value since you haven’t looked around for it too long! Normally, after having your share of uncomfortable and trendy shoes you’ll find that you either have to do something to the shoe, alter it in order to be compatible or you’ll get your own feet reshaped and hurt by the shoe! That would be a short affair, which many have had and will have before the discovery of the perfect specimen! Not the universally perfect specimen, but perfect for YOU! You’ll realise that you can compromise about the looks of the shoe and its price but in terms of a longstanding relationship with it, where both you and the shoe stay reasonably unhurt and in shape, you cant compromise about the compatibility and comfortablity of it with your feet! that’s when you have enough insight and experience to be able to detect, manage and appreciate it!

The question never answered...

I am on a roll now. I had a block on my mind for awhile and couldn't write any poems, but I am back and in action. Enjoy... PS: THIS POEM WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN JANUARY. I AM OVER THIS GUY THANKFULLY...

It was like a dream come true,
the day that I met you.
Your eyes made you shy,
and your actions had me wondering why.

You barely talked to me at first,
I had to get in your face.
You were the finest thing I had seen in a minute,
and I wanted to know all I could know before you went to your base.

From the first day I saw you,
I wanted to be with you.
That's why I didn't mind rushing,
cuz I believed my feelings were true.

The kiss was magnificent,
the love was great.
Sex might have been short,
but you had been gone, so I didn't hate.

I fell for you hard as hell,
wanting to talk to you everyday.
It was hard to be away from you,
but I was gonna be there for you and stay.

You told me it was hard for you to love,
that you had been hurt bad before.
I told you that I was never gonna leave,
I would never walk out that door.

The whole time you were away,
I did everything I could to keep you sane.
I showered you with love and gifts,
I tried to take away all the rain.

I loved you with all my heart,
harder than ever before.
I did things for you I would never have imagined,
and kept doing them when you asked for more.

I would have married you if you asked,
no matter how unconventional we were.
I believed in fate for the first time,
it was a relationship regardless of how it did occur.

Everyone in my life knew about you,
they thought u were the best.
The man of my life forever,
better than all the rest.

Then something odd happened,
you acted like you didn't care.
All those late nights of talks and laughter,
out the door and to come back was rare.

I knew it, but couldn't admit it,
I was definently losing you.
Did I do something wrong,
to make the situation seem so new?

But being as strong as I am,
I held on with that love.
I refused to give up on you,
I was supposed to be your shinning dove.

I did what you asked still,
couldn't get mad at you if I tried.
Now when I look back at it,
I would have rather rolled over and died.

I've been through my mad faze,
thought I was gonna hurt you before.
But that didn't last that long,
it only made me love you much more.

Why is my mind backwards,
is it cuz that's how we started?
Married before love,
and sex before knowledge.

So, yeah I have a broken heart,
it's not the first one in my time.
But for many reasons on end,
it's making me lose my mind.

I have still tried to reach out for you,
called you on special days.
Let you know I still cared,
in mutiple polite ways.

I once heard if a guy cares about you,
but needs to let you go.
He will take the easy way out,
and never will his feelings show.

Instead of telling you why,
and giving you some closure.
He will dodge your calls and you,
hoping you will understand it's over.

So, I am guessin this is your deal,
but to me it's a cop out.
Doing this to the one who did things for you I never dared before,
and not expect me to scream and shout.

So, I said I was gonna let go,
and to think about it I am trying.
Then I read or see something that reminds me of you,
and I remember then, inside I am dying.

So simple it would be to tell me,
maybe even to lie.
Just say that you never cared,
and you used me to squeeze me dry.

Say that it was when I tried to catch you,
meeting girls off the net.
That you realized we were getting too close,
and it was time to end the bet.

Because all that has to be the truth,
any other reason I could not bare.
To think that you did love me,
and left me like this, you wouldn't dare.

I believe I can accept that,
I will never understand.
Your ways may hurt me,
but the truth I cant demand.

My best bet is to delete you,
all your numbers, e-mails, and other.
Let go of what we had,
and understand that I should have listened to your brother.

Just know that this was deep,
a love that is never forgotten.
I jumped off the cliff and fell in love with you,
yet it hurt when you did not catch me at the bottom.

I would say we can be friends,
but the thought makes me cry.
Don't worry about lil' oh me,
or me ever asking you again "WHY?"

It was like a dream come true,
the day that I met you.
Your eyes made you shy,
and your actions had me wondering why.



Why in heaven's name do some of you guys not kiss? I get the whole not wanting to kiss just anyone, but don't tell me you don't kiss at all. Kissing is such a great thing and it can be so sensual if done right. Why miss out on that?

Also, why do you claim you are a good guy and want certain gurlz, then u bitch to another female about it. You tell her that the gurls tell you about how they need a good man, but they act like you aren't even there and you aren't the good man for them. what about the female u r telling it to??? ME!!!! I am a good gurlfriend and would make you happy. Yet, what you are bitching about is the same shyt you are doing to me.

One more, if I tell you I am a blunt gurl, I mean it. So I want u to be real and blunt with me too. If u cant do that u might hurt my feelings and that is worse. Tell me the truth. If u aint feelin me, tell me. Everyone is not meant to be with anyone, so I'd understand. Rejection hurts, but real people can take it and move on.

Thank you for your time.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Tell me why I am so tired, cuz I don't know. You see, I got this job right. Nice job. Pays well, benefits, commission for selling, plus making over 30 thousand a year hourly. I work 10 hour shifts 4 days of the week, so I can have 3 off. I work sun-wed. 11am to 10pm. So, yes Thurs, Fri, and Sat off. Sounds nice right?????

!!!!!!!!!!!! WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!

The job drives me insane. I sell car insurance, so I deal with people who think they know more than I do about car insurance. I went thru a 2 week training and a 52 hour class to know what I know. Boring stuff. On top of that, at my job, to actually sell insurance, you need a license in Florida for selling personal liens insurance. Gotta do the class (52 hour one), sutdy ur ass off. Then take a state exam and pass 80% or better. Dude, I just left college. No more tests...

Let's make things worse why don't we. I have to wait on this stupid company to get their shyt together and sign me up for the test, instead of being allowed to do it myself. So now I gotta keep studying this stuff til I take the test. Problem is, I don't need to know all of it for my job. I only need to know auto, but I am learning Home owners and DP's. DON'T ASK...

SO, to end all the bitching, I pretty much just sit on my ass answering phones. If they did a quote already, I fill in the blanks or if not, I start a new one. Once I've got the customer wrapped around my pretty lil' finger, I have to freakin transfer them to someone else. I get mad, cuz they always lose a sale I know I would've had. oh well. so more blogs for people to read, cuz I don't have anything else to do here. Guess I shouldn't bitch too much. Bills are definently getting paid.